We would like to know as much information about your pet as possible to ensure a happy stay at Greenacres Cattery. Nervous animals need extra care and attention in a peaceful environment.
Medical information is essential, so don’t forget to tell us everything about your pet, however minor it may seem. All animals need lots of love and attention and we would like to know what they like best. Let us know your pet’s likes and dislikes. We want to ensure we provide the most appropriate care and attention to meet your cat’s individual needs, written details are always helpful.

Cats are exercised on their own or with their partner(s) in large, secure exercise areas. No animal over the age of 12 years will be boarded for the “first time” (the stress of such a traumatic change is not recommended).
All our feline friends are fed their normal diet whenever possible. We provide bedding, feeding dishes, litter trays and anything else your cat needs, however, if you wish to bring your cats own bedding or toys we ask that owners label all such items with their full name. We do not accept bean bag bedding.
All cats must be inoculated against Feline Enteritis and Car Flu. We also recommend Intrac for Cattery Cough. All vaccinations must be carried out at least 14 days prior to arrival at Greenacres Cattery.